Yesterday’s post concerned the Delaware Supreme Court’s decision that the business judgment rule applied to TripAdvisor’s decision to reincorporate in Nevada.  Maffei v. Palkon, 2025 WL 384054 (Del. Feb. 4, 2025).  This holding reversed Vice Chancellor J. Travis Laster’s earlier ruling that the entire fairness doctrine applied because the reincorporation involved a non ratable benefit

Policy chaos doesn’t just make headlines; it fundamentally disrupts economic calculation and prosperity. Like a stone thrown into still water, chaos ripples through the economy in ways that are hard to see but that can be profoundly destructive to prosperity and growth.
Its effects also ripple outward: freezing investment, distorting prices, and disrupting the calculations

Following an extensive consultation period, Brazil’s Ministério da Fazenda (Ministry of Finance) last October unveiled its final digital-platform report. Given the public stances previously taken by Brazil’s would-be digital regulators—the antitrust agency Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) and the telecommunications regulator Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel)—it was likely inevitable that the report would

A recent controversy over pornographic apps being downloaded to iPhones in the European Union illustrates a fundamental tension in the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA): the conflict between mandated openness and established user-safety expectations. 
While the DMA aims to promote competition and user choice, the recent case of the pornographic-video app Hot Tub, distributed to

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