The United States and Denmark have been embroiled in political tensions over President Donald Trump’s desire to acquire Denmark, possibly even by force. The Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, has recently met some of her EU counterparts to gain their political support for preserving Denmark’s territorial integrity. The current status of Greenland and
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‘Passportisation’: ECtHR finds imposition of Russian citizenship in Crimea a breach of article 8 ECHR
A. Introduction
The term ‘passportisation’ refers to the practice of extending nationality to substantial numbers of individuals beyond the boundary of the state, including by forcible imposition of nationality. At an international level, two effects – each potentially an aim of value to the state extending its nationality – are the erosion of the territorial…
As the land erodes, so does the cultural heritage: Unpacking (fuzzy) cultural preservation perspectives within the Falepili Union Treaty framework
Announcements: CfP Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector; CfP Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference; ASIL – ESIL Workshop; CfI SheVotesAfrica; Protection of the Environment During Occupation Book Launch; ICL Year in Review; CfS UN ILC Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity; Human Rights Violations in Palestine Talk; Sustainable Marine Governance in The Mediterranean School; CoE Role in Peace, Justice & Accountability in Ukraine
1. Call for Papers: Legal Aspects of Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector. The PRIVIGO project (“International Organizations between Mission and Market”), sponsored by the European Research Council and located at the Erik Castrén Institute, is organizing a workshop in Helsinki on 23 May 2025. The theme is Legal Aspects of Interactions between…
Fragmentation and Flexibility: Contrasting Environmental Governance in India and the European Union
In November 2024, Delhi’s Air Quality Index (AQI) reached an record level of 1500, categorizing the city as ‘hazardous’ and solidifying its status as the most polluted urban area globally. This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need for systemic reforms in environmental governance. Across the globe, similar environmental crises emerge within varying institutional and…
The failure to arrest and surrender Osama Elmasry Njeem: “That Awful Mess” in Rome
On 21 January 2025, the Court of Appeals of Rome, at the request of the concerned person and with the favorable opinion of the Prosecutor General, issued an order of immediate release in favor of Mr Osama Elmasry Njeem, who had been arrested by the Italian police in Turin the day before, pursuant to an…
Announcements: International Adjudication – Peace Through Law in our Times Colloquium; CfC 70 Years Beyond Bandung; How to Build a Career in ICL Series; ELI Webinar Judicial Governance and Judicial Appointments and Promotion; Gender in the Crimes Against Humanity Draft Panel; Summer School on the Law of the Council of Europe; Cross-Cultural Understanding of Human Rights in International Legal Discourse Lecture; CfP Human Rights Essay Award; International Law and Global Justice Vacancy; CfA Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals Book Review Editor
The Legal Debate Surrounding Greenland and Denmark: Unpacking Donald Trump’s Statements
On January 8, 2025, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump questioned Denmark’s legal rights to Greenland, stating, “people don’t really know if Denmark has any legal rights to [Greenland].” While the specific concerns behind his remarks remain unclear, they likely touch on two interrelated issues: Denmark’s historical establishment of sovereignty over Greenland, despite limited effective occupation…
The ICC Prosecutor’s Slavery Crimes Policy and Practice Between Conviction and Convenience
In December 2024, the International Criminal Court’s Office of the Prosecutor (‘OTP’ or ‘Prosecutor’) adopted a Slavery Crimes Policy (‘Policy’). The Policy communicates the Prosecutor’s commitment to prioritizing investigations concerning contemporary slavery. It envisions a role for the Prosecutor in curbing slavery crimes through the pursuit of criminal accountability for the crimes within the Court’s…
Progress through disruption? What role for the ICJ in the Advisory Opinion on Climate Change
In the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) advisory procedure on international obligations of states in respect of climate change the US government raises the concern that the ICJ could disrupt the cooperative legal system that states have established under the UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement (PA) through its interpretation of customary law (written…