Information retrieval is the science of searching for (and finding) information relevant to a user need. The most common, most visible application of information retrieval science is found in modern web search engines, though the roots of the field extend decades before the web sprung into existence and encompass wider varieties of information needs than
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Yee Haw! Texas Lawyers Required to be Competent in Technology Under Revised Rule 1.01
A big yee-haw goes out to the Texas Bar as they recently became the thirty-sixth state in the Union to codify what the ABA Model Rules of Professional Responsibility did in 2012 and that is to add very specific language about attorney competency and technology. In the newly revised Texas Rule 1.01, Paragraph 8,…
Yee Haw! Texas Lawyers Required to be Competent in Technology Under Revised Rule 1.01
A big yee-haw goes out to the Texas Bar as they recently became the thirty-sixth state in the Union to codify what the ABA Model Rules of Professional Responsibility did in 2012 and that is to add very specific language about attorney competency and technology. In the newly revised Texas Rule 1.01, Paragraph 8,…
Is Mandatory TAR on the Horizon?
Is mandatory technology-assisted review on the horizon? This was question that Tom Gricks and John Pappas posed in a recent Bloomberg article.
Cost continues to be the primary issue lying at the heart of e-discovery disputes, particularly with the amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), specifically Rule 26, mandating that the scope…
Is Mandatory TAR on the Horizon?
Is mandatory technology-assisted review on the horizon? This was question that Tom Gricks and John Pappas posed in a recent Bloomberg article.
Cost continues to be the primary issue lying at the heart of e-discovery disputes, particularly with the amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), specifically Rule 26, mandating that the scope…
Is Mandatory TAR on the Horizon?
Is mandatory technology-assisted review on the horizon? This was question that Tom Gricks and John Pappas posed in a recent Bloomberg article.
Cost continues to be the primary issue lying at the heart of e-discovery disputes, particularly with the amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), specifically Rule 26, mandating that the scope…
TAR 2.0: Using Contextual Diversity to Find Out What You Don’t Know (and a Bit About Zipf’s Law)
In the early technology assisted review (TAR 1.0) era, many thought training with randomly selected documents was important to the success of a TAR review. The fear was that attorneys would bias the TAR algorithm if they selected documents for initial training. When challenged, most relied on the old shibboleth: You don’t know what you…
TAR 2.0: Using Contextual Diversity to Find Out What You Don’t Know (and a Bit About Zipf’s Law)
In the early technology assisted review (TAR 1.0) era, many thought training with randomly selected documents was important to the success of a TAR review. The fear was that attorneys would bias the TAR algorithm if they selected documents for initial training. When challenged, most relied on the old shibboleth: You don’t know what you…
TAR 2.0: Using Contextual Diversity to Find Out What You Don’t Know (and a Bit About Zipf’s Law)
In the early technology assisted review (TAR 1.0) era, many thought training with randomly selected documents was important to the success of a TAR review. The fear was that attorneys would bias the TAR algorithm if they selected documents for initial training. When challenged, most relied on the old shibboleth: You don’t know what you…
Legal Hold Obligations and Automation in Four Minutes
In the day-to-day world of legal departments, it can be challenging to ensure legal holds are done correctly; everything from getting the correct wording in the hold document, understanding the data types and where it exists, securing the acknowledgment, and reminding custodians of their ongoing obligation. As a result, ask a room of legal professionals,…