Brian Leiter

Here is where the current untenured tenure-track faculty in philosophy at the top twenty U.S. programs got their Ph.D. (or D.Phil.):
1.  Harvard University (10)
2.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (7)
3.  New York University (6)
4. Yale University (5)
5.  Princeton University (4)
5.  University of California, Berkeley (4)
7.  Columbia University (3)

Professor Goodin discusses the JPP fiasco, noted previously, although legal liability constrains what he can say:

I can’t say much about that episode, or dealings with Wiley around the journal more generally, without rendering myself liable to lawsuits for breach of ‘commercial-in-confidence’. Not, I hasten to add (to avoid other lawsuits), that they

Richard Stillman, a 3L here (with a PhD in philosophy), has just published a quite ingenious solution to the puzzle of what the Court’s test is for nonverbal “expressive” conduct, involving a judicious use of some philosophy of language.  Free speech scholars should read this!

From Patrick Grim:
The Philosopher’s Annual volume 42
from the literature of 2022
James Allen (Toronto), “Radicalism and Moderation in the New Academy,” from Phronesis
Elizabeth Barnes (Virginia), “Gender without Gender Identity: The Case of Cognitive Disability,” from Mind
Richard Bradley (LSE), “Impartial Evaluation under Ambiguity,” from Ethics
Sarah Buss (Michigan), “Personal ideals and the