We are proud to announce a much-needed addition to Husch Blackwell’s lineup of podcasts. Last week, we launched False Claims Act Insights, a new podcast devoted to exploring issues relating to False Claims Act (FCA) investigations and litigation. The show is hosted by Jonathan Porter—a partner in our firm’s White Collar, Internal Investigations & Compliance practice group and former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia—and will feature prominent guests who dive into the complexities of FCA enforcement and compliance.
The U.S. Department of Justice recently published its annual release of FCA-related information, boasting that its 2023 results were the “Highest Number of Settlements and Judgements in History.” In sum, the Department achieved settlements and judgments exceeding $2.68 billion during the last fiscal year. As FCA enforcement continues to increase, we are pleased to provide subscribers to Healthcare Law Insights a go-to resource for perspectives on FCA-related news and developments.