Perry Krumsiek & Jack Law Blog

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Before Abraham Lincoln became our greatest president, he was a great corporate lawyer.  And before he was a corporate lawyer, he was a brilliant trial lawyer.
In the 1840s, Lincoln represented a Revolutionary War widow who had been bilked out of most of her pension.  The widow had retained a claim agent to help her collect

E-discovery has been called the bane of modern litigation.  Document requests can easily dig out terabytes of information, and the review requirements for both sides can be backbreaking.  Patent cases are particularly prone to enormous discovery.
To winnow the demands of discovery down, the Advisory Council of the Federal Circuit released a model e-discovery Order

If someone poses as a medalled hero, does the First Amendment protect them from prosecution? 
Surprisingly, the answer may be mixed.  If the phony only brags about winning a medal, free speech rights may prevail.  But if the phony sports an undeserved medal, it becomes a different story.
I have an article on the subject

I have had people produce text messages to me that they think will make their case open-and-shut because they show the other side admitting to their acts.
But a case decided in Pennsylvania last week points up the caution the courts will use when they consider text messages and emails.  Even though it is a