Law and Disorder

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As the Haiti disaster unfolds to ever greater levels of misery, it’s worth flagging up a number of brilliant analyses by people on the left. Whilst I’m sure many people have already read these, I think they give us some interesting thinking matter with regards to international law. The two obviously important pieces are

As the Haiti disaster unfolds to ever greater levels of misery, it’s worth flagging up a number of brilliant analyses by people on the left. Whilst I’m sure many people have already read these, I think they give us some interesting thinking matter with regards to international law. The two obviously important pieces are

So, yeah, as is evident I haven’t exactly been a posting machine over the last few months. In my defence I’ve been fairly busy, but that’s not very much of an excuse. So, anyway, I have made a New Year’s resolution to try and post much more frequently, we’ll see if this actually comes about.

Today I want to continue my discussion of Schmitt, which admittedly I started rather a long time ago. Now, this discussion has been quite difficult for me to articulate. This is because I had written some fairly comprehensive (and I thought pretty good) notes on these issues in my notebook and then kind of forgot

It’s amazing how difficult it can be to make time for blogging. I’ve had a lot on, and frankly sometimes all I want to do after actually doing that stuff is … well … not very much. Hopefully I’ll free a little time up though (although frankly I seem to make this promise every time

So a few months ago (!), I finished reading Carl Schmitt’s The Nomos of the Earth (2003 Telos Press), which I have been meaning to do for a long time. As ever, the book has to be read with some caution, as Schmitt’s politics (and even if they aren’t Nazi politics they are massively reactionary

So presumably, people have heard the hilarious news that police are stopping and searching white people under anti-terror laws so as to ‘balance’ racial statistics. Now, I have to say that this does confirm some of the anecdotal evidence I have heard from various people. What I find very interesting is Lord Carlile’s response to

Hola comrades.Sorry for the extended silence, but things have been afoot. Although I largely don’t talk personal stuff on the blog, I thought I’d give some updates on what I’ve been doing etc.

  • I have an article forthcoming in the September issue of the Leiden Journal of International Law entitled ‘Marxism, International Law and Political