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Many believe that property ownership is determined solely by whose name appears on the title. However, this is far from accurate. When it comes to property division during divorce, various factors come into play, and understanding them is crucial.
In Texas, property division revolves around the distinction between separate property and community property. Separate property

Dissolving a marriage can be daunting, especially when it comes to dividing property. Let’s address : “Texas property is split 50-50.” While this is a common misconception, the reality is more nuanced.
In Texas, while a 50-50 split is often the starting point, it’s not always the outcome. Factors such as domestic violence or other

Abuse can leave deep scars, not just on the body but also on the soul. Victims of abuse often find themselves labeled, degraded, and stripped of their self-worth by their abusers. But what if we could change that narrative? What if we could empower abuse survivors to redefine themselves and reclaim their power? In this

Are you navigating a 50/50 custody arrangement and wondering about child support?
Let’s dive into the details.
In such cases, child support isn’t always a clear-cut matter. While it’s true that if both parents share equal time with the children, child support may not be necessary, several factors come into play.
Typically, if both parents

Common law marriage involves more than just cohabitation. Living together doesn’t automatically mean you’re married. Understanding these requirements is key to clarifying your marital status under the law.
To be legally recognized as common law married, you must meet three essential tests:
Living together is a factor, but it’s not the only requirement.

Are you under the impression that if you don’t receive divorce papers, your divorce won’t proceed? Think again! This common misconception can lead to serious consequences. Here’s why:
Many believe that avoiding service of divorce papers will halt the divorce process. However, this is far from the truth. Even if you don’t receive the papers

Today, let’s tackle a common misconception about divorce: The belief that filing first gives you the upper hand. In my 15 years of practice, I’ve seen this myth circulate far too often. Let’s dive into the truth behind this notion and shed light on what really matters in divorce proceedings.
Filing First Equals Better Outcome