Wildlife Law Africa Legislation and Cases

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Criminals who are trafficking wildlife products sometimes conceal them so that law enforcers do not detect them. They pay special attention to concealing the smuggling of wildlife products to avoid legal consequences. The essence of concealment of a crime is that the criminal intent of the guilty persons is not disclosed and their actions

Principles on Use of Force
The majority of law enforcement officers have no desire to engage in a physical confrontation during their duties. However, due to their mandate, law enforcers often deal with violently resisting subjects. Use of force helps an officer to gain control of a subject using no more force than is

1. Powers of Search and Entry
Powers of entry and associated powers (such as search and seizure) are important tools that facilitate the protection of the public from harm. These powers enable the effective investigation of offences. They also allow for the necessary enforcement of regulations. Powers of entry are intrusive in nature and may