Barnes v Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, is an important professional discipline case considering the power of the Chief Constable to discharge a probationary officer, notwithstanding misconduct proceedings relating to the same officer and the same concerns did not result in dismissal.
The claimant had told a racist joke to colleagues, which he
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Victor v Chief Constable of West Mercia Police
John Beggs KC and Aaron Rathmell appeared for the defendant Chief Constable in R (Victor) v Chief Constable of West Mercia Police [2023] EWHC 2119 (Admin). This is a topical and important case considering the distinct but overlapping roles of the vetting review procedure and misconduct proceedings in relation to probationary officers.
Stalking, a review
The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), the College of Policing, and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) have published their findings following a comprehensive investigation into the serious concerns raised in a police super-complaint submitted by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust on behalf of the National Stalking Consortium in 2022.…
The investigative duty and ‘historic’ allegations – when is the duty engaged?
In the same week that Dominic Raab unveiled his proposals for a new Bill of Rights, Parliament’s intent when it enacted the existing human rights framework has also been the subject of scrutiny by the Supreme Court. In the matter of an application by Margaret McQuillan for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) (Nos 1, 2…
Police Conduct Regulations 2012. Home Office Guidance 2015
Circular 021/2015: changes to Home Office guidance on police misconduct, unsatisfactory performance and attendance management procedures
This circular contains updated Home Office guidance on the police misconduct and unsatisfactory performance procedures.
Police Conduct Regulations 2012. Home Office Guidance 2012
Circular 023/2012: changes to the police complaints system and procedures for dealing with police officer misconduct
Home Office circular 023/2012 covers changes to the police complaints system and procedures for dealing with police officer misconduct and unsatisfactory performance.
Police Conduct Regulations 2012. Home Office Guidance 2014
Circular 012/2014: changes to Home Office guidance on police misconduct, unsatisfactory performance and attendance management procedures
This circular announces updated Home Office guidance on police officer misconduct, unsatisfactory performance and attendance management procedures.
This circular replaces 023/212: changes to the police complaints system and procedures for dealing with police officer misconduct and unsatisfactory performance.
Police Conduct Regulations 2012. Home Office Guidance 2014
Circular 012/2014: changes to Home Office guidance on police misconduct, unsatisfactory performance and attendance management procedures
This circular announces updated Home Office guidance on police officer misconduct, unsatisfactory performance and attendance management procedures.
This circular replaces 023/212: changes to the police complaints system and procedures for dealing with police officer misconduct and unsatisfactory performance.
When complaints must be referred to the Independent Office of Police Conduct
In R (Rose) v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police [2021] EWHC 875 (Admin), a businessman successfully challenged a decision not to refer his complaint to the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) under the mandatory referral criteria. The High Court concluded that the chief constable had failed to review the conduct alleged and consider whether, if…
Police Regulations 2003 (z). HO Circular 003/2021. Annexes TA, U
Circular 003/2021: Annexes TA and U under Police Regulations 2003
Parental Bereavement Leave
Annex TA made under Regulation 33 of Police Regulations 2003 provides police officers with at least 2 weeks’ Parental Bereavement Leave following the loss of a child under the age of 18 or a stillbirth after 24 weeks of pregnancy. The leave…