Mongabay News

  • The last sighting by scientists of the Itombwe owl, a species endemic to the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, was in 1996.
  • This was in Itombwe Nature Reserve, a protected area described by its director as “forgotten by a majority of organizations and people who support the conservation of biodiversity.”
  • Being overlooked may have helped

  • As long-distance tree seed dispersers, hornbills help balance the ecology of the complex tropical forests they inhabit.
  • Three decades of hornbill conservation in southern Thailand have been underpinned by efforts to transform former poachers into conservationists who are paid wages as nest guardians.
  • A new study indicates that education programs in schools and villages surrounding

  • Since 2018, El Tambor Project has been using assisted natural regeneration to restore native vegetation in a biodiverse and endemic species-rich cloud forest in the Venezuelan Andes.
  • The project’s objectives include not only the restoration of the cloud forest, but also the protection of the wild fauna, such as the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus), which