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INDIA AND ACROSS GLOBELaw and fashion may seem like two completely different fields, but in reality, they are more connected than one might think. Both of these industries are constantly evolving and have a significant impact on society. While law deals with rules and regulations that govern society, fashion is all about expression, creativity, and

INTRODUCTIONWhen was the last time you visited a local repair shop to get your smartphone fixed? Your answer will likely be long ago. The proposed government legislation, known as the Right to Repair, seeks to eliminate any obstacles that would stop consumers from fixing or altering their own products.  Debates have been going on all

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way the world works and its gaining significant popularity and investment from companies around the world. One of the most interesting applications of AI is Natural Language Processing (NPL). Natural Language Processing is a branch of AI that enables any machine to understand, interpret and generate human language

INTRODUCTIONAccess to justice for the last-mile population has remained a forward issue in India. The reach of effective, just, affordable justice is imperative to liquidate the essence of laws passed and experience a democratic covenant against any unjust disability broadcasting effective adjudication of law. Gram Nyayalayas Act,2008[1] was passed with the view of setting

INTRODUCTIONData protection is an issue involving infinite caution because of the sensitive nature of personal data, which is of high importance in this current digital age. Personal data is the most important aspect of a person’s Right to Privacy[1]. The current level of dependency on the internet and technology has led to the

IntroductionLet’s start with ‘What are Unwanted calls?’, If you say that something or someone is unwanted, you mean that you do not want them, or that nobody wants them.Unwanted phone calls can be classified as harassing and non-harassing phone calls.Unwanted, draining, useless phone calls constantly target the current generation, in which one person or a

INTRODUCTION                                               WHAT DOES THE TERM REMISSION MEAN?Basically, the term remission means cancellation of any debt or charges or any penalty. In simple words, we can say remission means forgiveness. Remission is a stage where a person has been sentenced to jail for a crime, the appropriate government may at any time remit a part of

INTRODUCTIONLights and flashing cameras, microphones and interviews and the chant of their name echo everywhere they go. The life of professional athletes extends well beyond the boundaries of their respective fields. In a growingly commercialised space, their image as an athlete and as a person is a coveted source of revenue directly or indirectly, be