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The impact of data protection law on individuals, businesses and other organisations continues to grow in depth and breadth. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was intended to be technology neutral and future proof – but is being stretched to its limits by the speed and direction of technological development.

As technology advances, data protection

Why is confidentiality so important in asylum claims?

Asylum seekers often find themselves in a vulnerable position, sharing sensitive and confidential information with the Home Office to support their asylum claims. Their cooperation is required to substantiate their claim and they rely on the understanding that this information will remain confidential and, most crucially, will

Losing a loved one when you think it may be because they received poor medical care is incredibly stressful at a time when family and friends are grieving their loss.  Often, people want to see a written record of the final days of their loved one and what happened to them, or they might want

Following the UK’s departure from the EU, the Government wishes to reform the data protection legislation within this country in order to ‘unlock the power of data.’ For charities, does this mean the painful prospect of reworking their existing GDPR compliance regime or the promise of a lighter regulatory load?

From 10 September to 19

On 20 December 2021 the ICO launched a consultation seeking views on three documents, which together demonstrate its wide-ranging powers to undertake investigatory, regulatory and enforcement action.  

The three documents consist of:

  • The “Regulatory Action Policy”;
  • The “Statutory guidance on our regulatory action”, which covers the ICO’s obligations under s.160 of the Data Protection
  • High on the Government’s wish list for data protection reform is the reduction of legislative barriers to ‘responsible innovation,’ particularly within the field of scientific research. Due to perceived complexity and lack of clarity, it is feared that organisations either choose not to conduct research at all or rely on unnecessarily burdensome consent processes. This

    In this blog series, we will review the key proposals for reform of data protection law within the Government’s consultation paper ‘Data: A New Direction’. We will consider how far the Government will stray from the current path and signpost some potential pitfalls and practicalities for consideration along the way.

    One key right for individuals