Brian Leiter's Law School Reports

Latest from Brian Leiter's Law School Reports - Page 2

next April.  Kramer is currently President of the Hewlett Foundation, and previously taught at the law schools at NYU, Michigan, and Chicago (from which he graduated).
(Thanks to Mike Otsuka for calling this to my attention.)

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling that Harvard and UNC’s affirmative action programs violate the equal protection clause has been described by many as a blow to affirmative action.  Brian Leiter has a summary here.  Additional coverage is available here.
Harvard almost immediately issue a written statement and a video message to the effect

*Stephanie Holmes Didwania ’09 (criminal law & procedure, intellectual property, empirical legal studies, law & economics) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison to Northwestern University (untenured lateral).

*Sheldon Evans ’12 (criminal law, immigration law) from St. John’s University to Washington University, St. Louis.

*Pedro Gerson ’14 (immigration law, criminal law) from California Western School of