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I know. I know. It just isn’t fair!

Well, that’s right … It isn’t.

We would like to think that everything is good. And barring that, at least “I am good.” With the not often missing complement, … “and therefore, if you are not like me, you are bad.”

See, in law there are always

Above I have represented two stickpersons in conflict aided by the teachings of my mentors Bob Proctor and Sandra Gallagher of the Proctor Gallagher Institute.

Both represent two parts of the mind – the conscious mind (represented by the upper half of their respective larger circles) and the subconscious mind (represented respectively by those halves

Fill or Kill. Yes, it’s the lore of James Dean in Rebel without a Cause. 

But, it’s really onto only what I call endpoint thinking … it’s deadpoint thinking.

Consider a game of chicken in which two drivers barrelling down on eachother finds one, or possibly both, yanking out the driver’s wheel and throwing it

I received a note from Derek G. Graham OLS OLIP alerting me that I had goofed on the titling of my previous blog post – linked [HERE].

In this post I’m going to own that error more fully than I think even I expect by just letting my fingers serve as the extension of my stream

I received a note from Derek G. Graham OLS OLIP alerting me that I had goofed on the titling of my previous blog post – linked [HERE].

In this post I’m going to own that error more fully than I think even I expect by just letting my fingers serve as the extension of my stream

Wow! In light of everything that I have been studying about Napoleon Hill and some other protegees of his this past month or so, I find the above picture and comments extremely interesting.

Perhaps the biggest idea is that one needs to be able to really believe themselves to have already achieved that which it