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How to get a Visa to live in Brazil
There are many types of permanent visas for a person wanting to live in Brazil. The most common types are the family reunion visa, the work visa and the investment visa. There are other types and eligibilities, though.
The Family Reunion Visa is the solution

Lara Lopes, 34, tried for years to keep a “low profile” in her native Mozambique. The effort involved keeping an essential part of herself secret: her sexual orientation. Still, she was attacked by unknown men in the street and got arrested and shared a jail cell with men.
She was also bullied during college, and

Investment Visa in Brazil
It is common to see tourists spending their holidays in Brazil wanting to stay behind. If that is your wish, you can either start a business in any of its beautiful cities such as Rio, Florianópolis, Natal or invest in a local business to assure your legal residence and your attachment

Property Tax, condominium wages, lease agreements, landlord’s obligations and other aspects regarding housing in Brazil.
In Brazil “for rent” (“Aluga-se”) signs may be displayed on the property itself, either hanging from an apartment window or attached to the front gate of a house – the practice varies across the country. The rental property is usually

Living & Working in Brazil FAQ
22 answered questions about living and working in Brazil

1. Is my CPF number cancelled upon my departure from Brazil?
No. the CPF number will continue to identify you before the Brazilian Tax Authorities for any act that requires a CPF number.
2. Are expenses related to

Social Security (INSS – Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social)
INSS is responsible for collecting contributions to maintain the Brazilian Social Security regime operating: paying retirements, pensions due to death, illness, disability, aids, others benefits foreseen by law.
Both employers and employees pay social security contributions. These contributions are used to fund government pensions paid to