Latest from Bill of Health

Professional Regulation

The Guardians of Professional Knowledge

Early in the second Trump administration, health information started to disappear from government websites including those maintained by the CDC and NIH. Commentators have begun to wonder how to protect the agencies themselves and what role the health professions might play in responding to rapid changes in health

Reproductive Technology

Egg Donation: A Victory for Reproductive Justice or Another Handmaid’s Tale?

Before the United States election in 2024, Margaret Atwood shared a cartoon illustrating the handmaids from her dystopian novel entering a polling booth in their unmistakable red cloaks and white bonnets. Having voted, they transform into unique individuals, discarding the attire symbolizing

As we near the end of 2024, here are some of our most widely viewed articles on the Bill of Health blog. 
Reproductive health, aging/longevity, and psychedelics were among readers’ favorite topics this year. Popular articles touched on insurance coverage for psychedelic therapy, polygenic embryo screening, AI in drug development, and medical assistance in dying.
The single most-read article

by Anna Aguilar and Sidney Lee
In 1971, Congress tasked the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with establishing procedures to “eliminate as far as practicable” the dangers of lead poisoning. Yet, HUD has repeatedly fallen short of accomplishing this. More than 50 years later, for children in federally assisted housing in the

by Cristina Rosero-Arteaga
The climate emergency in Latin America is intensifying a long-standing yet underrecognized health crisis: reproductive harm due to agrochemical exposure, particularly for rural women. As shifting climate patterns threaten to exacerbate these harms, it is crucial to bring these issues into the focus of climate action. The region’s human rights framework —