Latest from Beer Law Center Blog

September is National Service Dog Month!  As we celebrate and commemorate these incredible animals and their teams this month, it is important to think beyond the fluffy-tailed cuteness to have a discussion regarding some of the everyday realities that service animal teams experience, and how this impacts your alcoholic beverage business.What Do Service Animals Do?

Attorney Elizabeth “Brooks” SavagePlease welcome our newest team member and attorney, Elizabeth “Brooks” Savage!  Brooks practices intellectual property, business, and administrative law, with a focus on vice industries.  Particularly in the alcoholic beverage industry, she represents small and independent alcohol producers and retailers (such as breweries, wineries, distilleries, bars, and restaurants) with brand development and

What is an Operating Agreement?

An Operating Agreement is a contract between the members of an LLC which serves as the LLC’s governing document. The Operating Agreement outlines voting and ownership percentages, delegates authority to specific managers or members, and determines how distributions of profits and losses, and transfers of interest may occur, among other

Business formation

Before you start your new brewery, you should consider the different types of business structures under which your brewery could operate. There are several different forms of businesses such as Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), and Corporations. Before you start your brewery you should determine which structure is best for your

We know that COVID has really taken its toll on a lot of small businesses in North Carolina, especially the craft beverage industry. Unfortunately, COVID and the government restrictions have closed a lot of our local bars. While it saddens us to see our favorite 80’s bar or the little dive place around the corner

Choosing a trademark can be one of the most exciting parts about building your business. Your trademark should represent your brand and identify your company as the source of your brand’s goods or services. It is important to choose a strong trademark which will offer greater protectability and less risk to potential infringements and challenges.

It’s October 27th which means it is National American Beer Day. National American Beer Day is a special day in North Carolina, because October is also North Carolina Beer Month. North Carolina, with over 300 breweries, has a booming beer industry. Grab a cold one and celebrate with these facts about the beer industry in

Halloween is almost upon us, and as it approaches, trademark owners must be alert of something especially frightening. Recently, our firm has received another scam letter for trademark renewal fees. The letter, which says it was sent from the “Patent & Trademark Bureau,” is requesting for us to pay a $925 renewal fee for our

Several new ABC-Related laws went into effect this past summer on July 1, 2020. We have compiled the new laws (which can be found on the Virginia ABC website) which are most likely to affect breweries, wineries, distilleries, and restaurants in Virginia.

Mixed Beverage Referendum (HB2634 and SB1110) – This law permits Virginia ABC to sell