Serjeant's Inn

Cherfan v Senior Coroner for West London [2024] EWHC 3261 (Admin). 12.12.24 Judgment here
It is a well establish principle that the costs of a successful Claimant’s judicial review case, or an application under s.13 Coroners Act 1988, brought against a Coroner will not be awarded unless particular circumstances arise.
As Brooke LJ noted in R

Death Investigation: Coroners and Inquests
This short course for lawyers, coroners and medical professionals will be held at King’s College London from 11 March to 8 April 2025
Course Director:
Sir Peter Thornton KC  the first Chief Coroner of England and Wales & Visting Professor at King’s College London
Course content:
The course will consist of a series

The Cert(CPD) Coronial Services: Professional Practice at the University of Bolton is a specialised part-time programme that provides current and aspiring coroners’ officers with professional knowledge and skills.
Aimed at those currently working in or aspiring to join the coronial services.This

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), the College of Policing, and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) have published their findings following a comprehensive investigation into the serious concerns raised in a police super-complaint submitted by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust on behalf of the National Stalking Consortium in 2022.

Morris v Morris, Shmuel and White [2024] EWHC 2554 (Ch),  9 October 2024, Judgment here.
On occasions a coroner may be faced with a case where the issue of another person aiding the deceased to take their own life arises.  Whilst suicide has long been decriminalised, assisting someone to end their life remains a

The website of the Voicing Loss project:   A research and policy project on the role of bereaved people in coroners’ investigations and inquests. is now live here .
The Voicing Loss project has examined the role of bereaved people in coroners’ investigations and inquests. The researchers conducted interviews with bereaved people, coronial professionals and witnesses,