Definitely not the bridge in this caseBy Andy DelaneyOne opinion this past week, concerning what a de minimus—a lawyers’-job-security word for unimportant or insignificant—use is in the context of recreational trails, bridges, and triggering application of zoning regs. I want to say something silly like “Buckle in for a wild ride!” but that would be
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January 10, 2025: Two Admin Opinions
AdminBy Andy DelaneyThis week’s post is going to be short because, as Polonious quipped in Hamlet, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” I’m lazy. SCOV issued two opinions on Friday, January 10. Opinion one boils down to whether redacted records related to the use of restraint and seclusion on students are subject to a Public…
New Year, New . . . Something
By Andy DelaneyVermont follows what we sometimes call the “public domain” citation format. What this means is that following the case name, you’ll have the year the case was decided, the two-letter state abbreviation, and the number of the decision for that year. Hence, the first decision SCOV issues this year is going…
Friday December 20, 2024: Defamation, Mootness, and Employment Law
The trouble with defamationBy Andy DelaneyThree opinions issued on Friday. In the first one, we look at the interplay between tort and criminal law, with a twist based on what I like to call “the reverse-Uno card of defamation law”: the anti-SLAPP special motion to strike. Defendant made reports to police that got plaintiff charged with…
Burdens and Discretion: December 10 and 13, 2024
I am totally being framed.This is BS. By Andy DelaneyEarlier this week, I found a chewed-up wooden doggy figurine on our bed in the morning. I accused “my wife’s dog,” Lucy of being the culprit, though in fairness, it might have been “my dog” Luna. My reasoning was that the figurine was on “Lucy’s side”…
Five Fables from Friday
Aesop I Ain’tBy Andy DelaneyI can’t remember if I already used a title like this, but I probably did and probably already led with some quip about fables being a little bit of artistic license. It feels familiar. I may look it up after writing these up. Maybe I’ll even edit it out and…
Weekly Update: Thanksgiving Edition
By Andy DelaneyOne might think that with the presumptive four-day weekend, there would be no opinions this week. One would be wrong. Two opinions issued on Wednesday.The first opinion is about a property dispute. In a nutshell, a married couple noticed that a parcel of land—that neighbor was using—was seemingly omitted from neighbor’s deed.…
Weekly Update: November 22, 2024
It’s surprisingly difficult to find good law-related memes. So this is what you get.By Andy DelaneyTwo opinions from the 22nd. Do you know whether one would capitalize a spelled-out date? Me neither. That’s at least one of the reasons why y’all get “the 22nd.” Anywho . . . we start off with a foray into…
Mid-November Nuggets
By Andy DelaneyI’ve been traveling since Thursday, November 7th, which is one reason why we’re doing a little catch-up today. There are other reasons too, but “traveling” sounds legitimate to me. SCOV issued three opinions on the 8th and one opinion on the 15th. The first opinion from the 8th is about law enforcement and…
Sisters Splitting Spruced-up Shelter
This is what that title will get you from AI By Andy DelaneySometimes I go a little too hard for the alliteration in the title. These sisters, Ms. Martin and Ms. Lyon, had never actually lived in what SCOV calls the family home. But their mom passed and left it to them. They decided to…