Proskauer Rose LLP

We are 725+ lawyers serving clients from 13 offices located in the leading financial and business centers in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

The world’s leading organizations, companies and corporations choose us to be their representatives in their most critical situations. But more, they consider Proskauer a strategic partner to drive their business forward. We work with asset managers, major sports leagues, Fortune 500 companies, entertainment industry legends and other industry-redefining companies.

We are entrepreneurial, inclusive, and committed to making a difference for good.

A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit allowed an employer to enforce a “forfeiture-for-competition” against a former plant manager. The Court explained that, under Delaware law, forfeiture-for competition is not subject to the same reasonableness standard as a traditional non-compete clause. The case is LKQ Corporation v. Robert Rutledge