Thee United States Department of Education will be issuing guidance to schools notifying them that regardless of the COVID pandemic or how instructino is provided, students with disabilities must still receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and that infants and toddlers with disabilities and
Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch PLLC
Latest from Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch PLLC - Page 2
Discipline, Restraint and Seclusion of Special Ed Students
From Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLC, Education AttorneysWhen we speak of restraints in school, we are usually referring to physical, such as being held by a staff member or mechanical, such as straps or handcuffs. Isolation is when a student is restricted to a certain location involuntarily and not permitted to leave. Some schools have…
Suspension and Expulsion of Students
By Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLC, Arizona Education Attorneys Discipline of students in Arizona public schools is covered in Arizona Revised Statutes at Title 15 (Education), Chapter 8 (School Attendance), Article 3 (Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils), Sections 15-840 through 15-844. In Arizona, all students are required to comply with school rules…
Manifestation Determination Review ("MDR")
Arizona Education LawyersThe IDEA protects students with disabilities in disciplinary proceedings that may result in long term suspension or expulsion. Suspension over 10 days in a school year requires a Manifestation Determination Review (“MDR”). A student with a disability (with an IEP) may be suspended for up to 10 school days in a…
Bullying – When Special Needs Students Are the Victims or Instigators
Bullying – When Special Needs Students Are the Victims or InstigatorsBy Arizona Education Attorneys What is Bullying? Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over…
Podcast: What to do when your child needs extra help in school?
Education attorney Hope Kirsch was a guest on the Modern Divorce Podcast discussing what happens when a child needs extra help at school, and when parents don’t agree.Listen to podcastThank you, Billie Tarascio, Modern Law Divorce Attorney
COVID-19 & Online Learning Risks
COVID-19 & Online Learning RisksFrom Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, Arizona’s Education LawyersFirst, it is important to distinguish between distance learning an online learning. Not all distance learning is online. Online learning is learning on the computer; it is one aspect of distance learning. Distance learning can be on-line – synchronous or recorded – and it…
Transgender Student Rights
From Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLCTransgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity or expression (masculine, feminine, other) is different from their sex (male, female) at birth. Gender identity refers to one’s internal understanding of one’s own gender, or the gender with which a person identifies. Gender expression is a term used to…
What is Child Find?
Child Find Lori Kirsch-Goodwin, Esq. and Hope N. Kirsch, M.A.Ed., Esq.Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLC8900 East Pinnacle Peak Rd., Suite 250Scottsdale, Arizona 85255(480) 585-0600 All children with disabilities, including children with disabilities who are homeless children or are wards of the State – and children with disabilities attending private schools – regardless…