Is That Legal?

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Answer: Maybe. If you’re a current or former AT&T customer whose Personally Identifiable Information (PII) was compromised in the breach, you may be entitled to significant compensation in a class action lawsuit. 

California residents, in particular, could be eligible for up to a $750 settlement under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Eligibility and compensation

Answer: Yes, it is legal to sue your broker or financial advisor if you have suffered financial losses due to their misconduct or negligence.

As an investor, you have the right to take legal action against your financial professional if they have failed to act in your best interest or have engaged in practices that

Answer: Nope, it is not legal to grow psychedelic mushrooms because psilocybin and psilocyn, the key psychoactive compounds in these mushrooms, are classified as Schedule I substances under the federal Controlled Substances Act as of June 2024.

However, it is perfectly legal to purchase and own psilocybin mushroom spores because the spores themselves do not

Answer: No, SARMs (also known as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are not legal to purchase for human consumption. In most countries, including the United States, SARMs are considered unapproved drugs and are illegal to sell, purchase, or possess for human use without a valid prescription or proper authorization from regulatory agencies such as the FDA.

Answer: it depends. The legality of constructing a greenhouse one on your property is obviously subject to various factors, including zoning laws, permits, property setbacks, size restrictions, and homeowners association regulations.

If you’re out in the sticks where no one can even see you have a greenhouse, things are easy, but if you’re in a

Yes, lawsuit loans are legal in most states and jurisdictions. It is however important to understand though that the term “loan” is a word used primarily for marketing purposes. Legally speaking, these financial products are not loans in the traditional sense, but rather cash advances structured as non-recourse purchases of an equitable lien in a

Answer: Maybe. It depends where in New York you live if you can have one of these spiky friends. While hedgehogs are legal to own in the State of New York, they are not legal to own if you live within New York City (inclusive of the five burroughs). Other states have banned ownership of