Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP is an international firm providing a range of services including litigation, regulation, and business services to companies of all sizes.

Your company’s talent is its lifeblood. Job postings for qualified individuals and other recruitment activities are vital to its operations. What happens, then, when scammers disrupt your business by conducting phishing schemes to trick individuals into applying for nonexistent jobs you did not post with the objective of stealing their personally identifiable information? In the

Catch up on the latest developments of interest for product manufacturers. Here’s a quarterly compilation of the most popular blog posts on Faegre Drinker on Products. Michigan Repeals Pharma Immunity Provision By Jacqueline E. McDonnell Michigan recently signed into law a repeal of the immunity provision under its Product Liability Act, presenting a new litigation

Two recent decisions emphasize the necessity of precisely examining a plaintiff’s complaint for potential defenses while keeping each element of the TCPA in mind. First, in Hulce v. Zipongo, Inc., No. 23-C-0159, 2024 WL 1251108 (E.D. Wis. Mar. 18, 2024), the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin granted the defendant’s motion

Is ChatGPT sufficiently reliable to provide advice on employee benefits matters? Not yet, but ChatGPT and generative Artificial Intelligence may likely be useful tools for employee benefits attorneys in the future.[1]
As it is late March, we asked ChatGPT 3.5 to solve a common issue: an individual made deferrals above the Internal Revenue Code

Take a quick dive into the exciting world of ERISA with Faegre Drinker benefits and executive compensation attorneys Fred Reish and Brad Campbell. In this quick-hit series of updates, Fred and Brad offer a high-level view of current trends and recent ERISA developments. See the newest episode, The DOL Fiduciary Proposals and Rollover Recommendations, below.

Product liability claims require proof of causation.  To be sure, they also require proof of some defect in the product and/or its accompanying warnings and product literature.  But defect and causation are separate elements of a prima facie claim, and both must be established – usually, through expert testimony.  As we have discussed on multiple

On March 15, the United States Food & Drug Administration published a white paper entitled “Artificial Intelligence & Medical Products: How CBER, CDER, CDRH, and OCP are Working Together.” FDA announced the paper by sharing a short letter from Commissioner Califf, where he reaffirmed the Agency’s commitment to “promoting the responsible and ethical development, deployment,