Personal Injury

According to research studies, close to half of bankruptcy filings across the country are due to medical issues, including those caused by serious injuries. Filing for bankruptcy is a complex legal process that could impact your finances for years.

Before you take this step, contact Flaxman Law Group if you’ve suffered an injury in a

Being in a car accident in South Florida can result in many serious injuries, including spinal cord trauma, head injuries, broken bones, and more. One of the dangers of these injuries is that you can develop serious complications, such as deep vein thrombosis.

The risk of complications is serious, because complications can cost you even

Compartment syndrome is a less common but very serious injury that can happen at many types of workplaces, including factories, construction sites, offices, and more. If you’ve been diagnosed with compartment syndrome or any other serious injury, contact Flaxman Law Group if you’d like to schedule a consultation with a South Florida workers’ compensation attorney.

You probably don’t think about your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) very often, but they’re among the hardest-working joints in your body. They connect your skull and lower jaw and they’re what allow you to easily talk, yawn, eat, and drink.

Unfortunately, each year some South Florida residents first learn about TMJs by being in a car