We now have both the front and back covers for the second edition of Evidence in Practice: Skills and Strategies for Pretrial and Trial with Practice Exercises. In February of next year,  Aspen Publishing will publish our new edition and we are excited. The back cover explains what this new edition offers and why we are so excited about this book and its companion website that offers videos and much more. 

Here is the description of the book on the back cover: 

Here is the back cover in larger type so it is easier to read: 

Skills and Strategies for Pretrial and Trial
With Practice Exercises

Second Edition

Marilyn J. Berger
John B. Mitchell
Ronald H. Clark

Evidence in law school focuses on legal theory and doctrine. Bridge the gap between classroom and courtroom with EVIDENCE IN PRACTICE: Skills and Strategies for Pretrial and Trial, with Practice Exercises, Second Edition. Designed for law students, paralegals, and trial lawyers, this versatile go-to guide provides clear instructions and examples for making and meeting objections, introducing exhibits, laying evidentiary foundations, and much more. The updated and streamlined Second Edition clearly explains all the evidentiary law and procedure that applies to mock trials, moot court, pretrial litigation, and trials. 

The updated Second Edition features essential content, insights, and resources:

   • Making and meeting evidentiary objections
   • Anticipating when opposing counsel will offer inadmissible evidence 
   • Quick-reference lists of objections that may be raised at each stage of a trial 
   • Wording and phrasing for each type of objection 
   • How to protect the record when raising or meeting an objection
   • Counteracting unscrupulous behavior by opposing counsel
   • Considering the ethics of making or meeting an objection
   • Drafting and arguing motions and responses to motions
   • Laying evidentiary foundations for exhibits and witness testimony 
   • Using predicate questions to establish the admissibility of evidence
   • Introducing and displaying exhibits

With the online videos, case files, and practice exercises available with this text, you can develop or hone the full range of skills and strategies that consummate trial lawyers apply in pretrial and trial to all matters of evidence. 


We are very excited and happy about this new edition. It will be a real gift to trial lawyers and future trial lawyers.