Today’s Professional Responsibility Connections puzzle is here. [1]

Regular readers likely don’t need a reminder that professional responsibility includes both maintaining our own wellness and looking out for the well-being of our colleagues.  The Vermont Supreme Court said as much when it adopted Comment [9] to Rule 1.1.

I am well aware that it can be difficult.  But we can do hard things.  Especially when we simplify.  My intent today is to share an idea that, I hope, helps to simplify wellness & well-being.

Back in my coaching days, I attended a presentation given by a famous college coach.  It was the basketball version of a CLE.  The coach made a point that stuck with me:  with teams & players, success comes from being extraordinary at the ordinary rather than ordinary at the extraordinary.

The idea applies to wellness & well-being.

Don’t try to be extraordinary at wellness.  Instead, strive to become extraordinary at the ordinary.  That is, whatever the little things that make your personal or professional life healthier, excel at them. 

Become extraordinary at the ordinary.  It’ll pay off in the long run.

As always, let’s be careful out there.

Resources to Find “Little Things”

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[1] To play: click on 4 that you think share a common theme, then hit “submit.” If the answer is correct, the connection will be revealed. If the answer is not correct, nothing will happen and one of your mistakes will be deducted. De-select a square or squares and try again.  Each game includes at least one group that shares a connection related to professional responsibility and/or the Rules of Professional Conduct.