What’s the most frequent charge at the EEOC?

57% of all EEOC filings.

Disability – 36%
Race – 34%
Sex – 31%
Age 17%
(This adds to more than 100% because one filing can contain multiple items.)

But wait!
This needs to be put into context.
(Nerdy perhaps, yet necessary.)

Retaliation overlaps all the other categories.

Retaliation – all by itself – is not a violation of Title VII.

It must be retaliation for opposing an unlawful act.

And that unlawful act has to be tied to race, sex, age, religion, etc.

Therefore, a retaliation claim always involves race, sex, age, religion, etc.

So when you see or hear “retaliation,” just ask “Retaliation because of what?”

Your results may vary. If you have this issue, consult a good employment lawyer.
(Not me, I’m an arbitrator.)