The European Central Bank (ECB) has recently launched the Call for Papers for the ECB Legal Research Programme (LRP) scholarship 2024, which can be found on the ECB website via this link.

The LRP is an interesting opportunity for researchers as it fosters analysis of areas of law relevant to the ECB’s statutory tasks and establishes closer contacts of the ECB with academia by granting a scholarship to established or early-career researchers, who will publish a paper supported by colleagues of the ECB legal services.

Please find the Call for Papers here. The Call for Papers is open until 18 February 2024.

The seven research topics contained in the Call for Papers are:

  1. Climate-related risk: scenario planning for banks and supervisors
  2. The ECB and climate transition plans
  3. Extraterritorial scope and effect of ECB law
  4. Banking supervision meets public international law – Cross-border on-site inspections
  5. Taxes on banks’ windfall profits as anti-inflationary measure
  6. ECB Banking Supervision powers & AI Act implementation
  7. The ECB’s role as a fiscal agent and potential impacts on institutional balance