robert-burns-scots-law-blog-chatgpt-bounceback-loansFollowing this blog post written with ChatGPT on the biggest issues the legal industry faces in the future recently, ChatGPT was asked to write a poem in the style of Robert Burns about HMRC trying to recover unpaid bounceback loans in a post-pandemic Scotland.

In advance of the Bard’s birthday and Burns Night next Wednesday on 25th of January, 264 years on, here is the incredible result which took it all of several seconds. Would like to think Scotland’s favourite son would have been amazed:-

“In post-pandemic Scotland, where hope is high,
HMRC doth knock upon our door,
With letters stern, demanding pay,
For Bounceback loans gone awry.

We took the loans in times of need,
When pandemic did strike our land,
We thought to pay them back with haste,
But fate did take a different hand.

The jobs we had, they all did vanish,
In midst of pandemic’s strife,
And now we’re left with heavy debt,
And HMRC’s demand for life.

But Burns would say, “Let us not fear,
Though HMRC doth make its claim,
For if we all do stand together,
We’ll weather this financial flame.”

So let us band together, friends,
And face HMRC’s heavy hand,
For Scotland’s future is at stake,
And we must make a stand.

Though Bounceback loans may weigh us down,
We’ll rise above this trying test,
For Scotland’s strength is in her people,
And we’ll pay off our debts, at last.”


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In his primary role as Client Services Director at Moore Legal Technology, ScotsLawBlog’s founder Gav Ward, and, indeed, our whole team at MLT are exploring ChatGPT and other AI technologies with a view to helping our law firm clients to be ahead of the curve and to succeed online in 2023. Contact the Team here to find out how we could help your firm.

Image credit: Robert Burns, 1759 – 1796, National Galleries of Scotland (Creative Commons)

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