On October 23, 2020, I sat down via Webex with Gulam Zade, the CEO of LOGICFORCE. Gulam and I covered LOGICFORCE’s scorecard, and how the company has diversified and grown in the eDiscovery space.
Gulam has years of experience as an attorney in private practice, where he specialized in bankruptcy and corporate restructuring. Gulam joined LOGICFORCE in 2014 as a partner and general counsel before becoming CEO in 2019. He is a well-known author on legal technology.
Outsourcing So Lawyers Can Be Lawyers
Gulam explains that lawyers are trained to be effective lawyers, which can be enhanced by an experienced and knowledgeable technology partner.
Integrating Technology and Staying Secure
Gulam discusses integrating (and implementing) technology by ensuring that it is usable and meets industry security requirements and client needs.
Moving Forward to Cloud-Based Technologies
Gulam notes how the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated law firms and lawyers moving to the cloud and using technology in more collaborative ways, stating “the pandemic has definitely helped lawyers and law firms see the light on cloud-based technologies and I think that we’re not going backwards.”
Should In-House Counsel Be More Active in eDiscovery?
Gulam discusses how to evaluate whether outside counsel “has a plan” for eDiscovery.
LOGICFORCE is an IT consulting firm based in Nashville, Tennessee. LOGICFORCE offers eDiscovery, document review, cybersecurity, and digital forensics services. LOGICFORCE supports law firms across the country with a focus on firms in the Southeast and Midwest.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at leandiscovery@bakerdonelson.com. I would love to hear from you.
LeanDiscovery: Sitting with the C-Suite is a series of interviews designed to provide in-house legal counsel with a birds-eye view of the eDiscovery marketplace, particularly its various technology and service providers. A key component of great eDiscovery management and execution is having a great supply chain. Sitting with the C-Suite is a forum to hear directly from the C-Suite of various eDiscovery providers about the marketplace history, current and future service offerings, and expectations of things to come. This is not an advertisement or endorsement of any of the speakers, or the companies, services and technology that they represent, by either the interviewer or Baker Donelson. The views expressed are those of the speaker. Baker Donelson’s eDiscovery team seeks to provide the best client value throughout the eDiscovery life cycle. If you have any companies or speakers that you would like to see featured, please feel free to reach out to us at LeanDiscovery@bakerdonelson.com.
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